Things have been hectic! The feeling in my tummy has now been explained -- I am now a proud member of our Relief Society Presidency! And just like that -- poof! it was gone, to be replaced by more concrete anxiety. I wouldn't feel like me without it.
::Charlie's birthday -- he still loves photos if you can't tell!
::Ibby lost her two front teeth
We went to Nauvoo on Saturday and had a lovely time. Ella drove for almost two hours, but it was really windy and she was ready to stop by then. We always enjoy attending the temple and visiting our wonderful friends there! It is always a really long day, but so very worthwhile.
On Monday I held my 7th annual Mother's Day Tea! I can't believe we have lived here that long. We haven't missed a year and it hasn't rained on us yet. For some reason I felt more harried than usual so didn't get any pictures this year. This could be explained by the fact that we were gone all day Saturday and Friday was obviously way too early to start getting ready, so Monday morning to the store, baking, sweeping, watercress sandwich making, blueberry tea brewing it was. I think we had our largest turn-out yet and we even had to bring out an extra table and chairs. I find it very interesting to note how different the Spring season has come along from year to year and don't know if I would have noticed if it weren't for this event. One year I had freshly picked peonies to decorate the tables, but they aren't blooming yet this year and some years haven't even gotten buds at this point. Another year I was able to place sweet wild violets everywhere, but this year they have already come and gone. As I was spreading the table cloths on Monday morning I started to look in desperation around my yard for some blooming flowers. I had about three rosebuds which weren't going to go far. So I expanded my sights and pilfered some lilacs and irises from my neighbor's garden. Thanks Suzanna, for the gift of which you are completely unaware!
::a picture from last year
Last night was the girls Spring Carnival at school. It was starting at 5, three people had had chiropractor appointments at 4, I was helping with games from 6 to 7, Ella had a concert to be to by 7, Charles had to be at a basketball game at 7:45 -- Oh my! I do not enjoy these wild evenings, but we survived... with the kids being on their own at the carnival and getting to bed really, really late being the only noticeable casualties.
The most exciting news of all just may be that I received my order from Amazon yesterday. First is the Elizabeth Gaskell collection of dvds -- Mr. Thornton is rather dreamy...

And three Bollywood dance workouts -- Masala Bhangra here I come!
Happy, happy whatever day to me!
1 comment:
WHAT!! The R.S. Presidency! WOW!!! Very exciting...and stressful. You will do an amazing job. I miss all of you already...really I do. Happy b-day to Charles! I was sad I missed the year for sure. Your crazy life sounds like my crazy life. Are you coming on the 21st?
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