This morning we went over to Syl's house to walk the labyrinth that she has in her backyard. It is incredible! She gave us some material to read before we went and I thought it was all interesting, but seeing it in person was unexpectedly moving. She based the design on the labyrinth in Chartres cathedral -- which I've had the pleasure to see in real life. I loved that cathedral and its coat of ethereal blue! I do remember seeing the labyrinth on the floor, but I really didn't know anything about them at the time -- I was 18 years old -- so the experience was wasted on me, as so much is on the young! We spent time meditating on the lawn for a bit and then could enter the sacred space when we felt so compelled. When I was using my brain, I decided that I wanted to go in when there were less people inside, I didn't want it to be crowded, but soon I let my heart take over, which is always better, and wandered in when almost everyone was still there!

It was really enjoyable to join my yoga sisters and greet each one with a handshake, pat, or small embrace as we made our way through. I spent quite a bit of time on my journey, with loads of thoughts racing through my mind. The most delightful moment was hearing Twila's voice in the prosperity quadrant yelling, "It's all fiction!!!" I texted her later to tell her and she said she was basically thinking that right at the same moment, haha! I also really felt the enlightenment, healing, and peace of the other quadrants.
The whole experience of doing this yoga training has been really transformative! And the love I have for my fellow trainees is deep.

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