We're finally getting into the swing of things in our kids yoga class! I think at first they didn't know what was expected of them. I always joke that secular homeschoolers are the worst -- they haven't learned how to sit quietly at church or school, haha! I am just kidding, I love them, of course, but sometimes our math and yoga classes get a little rowdy! Anywho, back to saying that it isn't going so badly! We start by getting settled and then go over some of the poses we've learned in past weeks, then we learn some new poses. I'm still using the ideas from the Bodhi Yoga manual, and the theme for this week was friends. We talked about ways to be kind and acted out some scenarios. We read a book about friends and then we did some partner yoga poses, because you can't do those alone!
I am the mother of six delightful children. I teach natural childbirth and yoga classes, cook, clean, read, draw, write, travel, garden, homeschool, crochet, talk a lot, taxi around town, and am generally striving to become practically perfect in every way.
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