Wednesday, July 12, 2017

RPY Day One and the Snail

I started the training at Bodhi Yoga this morning and I already know it is going to be something special.  There are only three of us!  So it feels intimate and cozy, which I love.  I kind of regret that my teacher training was such a large group -- although that was fun, too, of course!  But this makes up for any residual judgement -- a completely different experience!  

We talked about the yogic origins of partner yoga and how it differs from more traditional Western massage.  The biggest difference being that it is a more energy healing and spiritually based practice, versus solely being about the body.  We also talked about the benefits of partner yoga, obviously for the receiver -- such as relaxation, releasing emotional blocks, stimulating circulation, improving digestion, and deepening spiritual insight.   But also the giver experiences benefits as well -- a moving meditative state, strengthened yoga practice, and counter pressure, to name a few.  

Having never experienced a restorative partner yoga training, I am embarrassed to admit that I was not even fully aware of what it was when I signed up!  So today was very eye opening for me.

I went outside during a break and noticed a snail winding a glistening trail around my feet.

I decided its message was telling me to slow down.  When I got home I looked up the symbolism and this is what I found:

The snail symbolism is letting you know that you have to use your time wisely. However, you also have to realize that you do have time for everything. Thus, you should divide your priorities and set up a block of time each day so that there is steady progress in all of your projects.  The whole process is a simple exercise in time management. In other words, snail symbolism reminds you to stay in the present so that everything gets done.

Oh!  Perfect!  I will take this into my training -- to use my time wisely, to know that there is plenty of time, and to make steady progress in the present moment!

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